
World Auto Racing

Created by Worldautoracing

World Auto Racing is the card game that puts you in the driver's seat. Modify your car, use your traits and fight for the win.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Chance to Change Address Before Limited Editions Ship!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 07:31:41 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

KS Limited Edition Update
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 07:00:00 PM

Great news, the KS Limited Editions are well on their way to us. The SM Long Beach is due to arrive in port within a week, and then some time for customs and freight to us before we can get them heading your way. This should all be done by mid-November.

IMPORTANT: If your address has changed, you should reach out to us. You can email us at [email protected].

We appreciate your patience and support. Folks with the 1st edition have been giving us great feedback and we can't wait for what's next!

1st editions shipped, Limited editions ordered, store on website now
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 02, 2022 at 02:12:14 AM

Hey everyone,

1st Editions are shipped out. If you haven't received your order, it could be one of two things.

1) We haven't received a confirmed address in BackerKit. You should have received emails in the past asking you to do this. If you didn't, or thought it was spam, or whatever else let us know and we can get the email back out to you.

2) You ordered the exclusive limited edition print run. These were always on a slower track, and a few hiccups have slowed us down but they are at the manufacturer to be produced ASAP. This should put us on track to deliver them in the Fall. Again, using BackerKit, where you can update your address up until the time we are preparing to ship.

Alright, last thing is we do have remaining 1st editions available on our website. If you missed out, want to order as a gift, or just want an extra copy or two since we limited it to 2 during the campaign it is open now.

Thank you racers for everything.

Shipping! Shipping! And…more shipping!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 05:56:20 AM

Home sweet home!

It's been a bit since we touched base and wanted to give an update on where things are!

1st editions are almost done shipping! Most have shipped and we are pushing hard to get the rest through. Things have slipped occasionally for a variety of reasons, some out of our control like packaging delays, software issues on shipping, medical emergencies, and some that are just me screwing up like ordering the wrong size boxes (D'oh!).

There is once again some floor space in my garage, and I have made many enemies at my local post office (JK, considering showing up with hundreds of packages a day they are pretty friendly).


OK, now for some other updates. 

KS Limited Editions are causing some headaches. Our manufacturer is more behind than we hoped and with the recent COVID issues in that part of the world as well as other instability it's feeling a little hard to project the exact timeline right now. If you want to convert any orders of KS Limited Edition to 1st Editions, let us know because we can get those out to you very soon as we still have inventory of 1st editions, where as KS Limited is going to take longer. It's essentially the same product, and you get it sooner.

Any 1st editions that were not sold on the KS campaign we will be working to selling through other channels. Probably directly through our website, but we are still working on that. The top priority is of course getting all of the 1st editions out to you all.

As always, thanks for your support. Also, F1 is back this weekend, Indy is back, NASCAR is back, it's racing season again.

Be on the lookout, a few lucky Twin Turbos got bumper stickers!

February - AKA 1st edition delivery month
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 02, 2022 at 06:51:41 PM

February has arrived and it’s astonishing how far World Auto Racing has come.

With our palettes finally in the harbor after enjoying a nice winter vacation off the coast (global shipping delays), nostalgia is setting in as we gear up to finally get our game in your hands. The big news from our last update a couple days ago is our container has been approved and is supposed to be moving in our direction literally any day. Four years ago at the Gem State Gaming Convention our team came together to start publicizing our project. It went through a lot of evolution since then and developed an amazing following all for this moment. Soon these first edition palettes will get to our hands so we can package them up and get them to you as soon as possible. The 2nd print run “Kickstarter Limited” is in process as we work on a couple updates with our manufacturers. Look forward to our updates as we track the first boxes of WAR being sent to our amazing supporters!

In the meantime enjoy this image of the team from that early convention.

WAR at Gem Con